Rehabilitation Programs

Active Rehabilitation therapies consist of strengthening, stretching, and tractioning protocols designed with your specific needs and abilities in mind. Properly trained therapists will work closely with the physician to ensure that you obtain the very best benefit from your time.

Research has revealed that the use of passive and active remedies lessen pain, accelerate recovery and stabilize your condition by rebuilding integrity to the muscles, tendons and ligaments which will support your joints. When used in conjunction with your adjustments, physical rehabilitation adds another dimension in your process of healing and increases the benefits that all of those will have on there own.

Rehab Programs

Should there be abnormal curvature changes in your spine for instance scoliosis, kyphosis or a hypolordosis, then your active therapy would be designed to help start the restoration of those aberrant curves back to a much more natural position.


Ynez Rd                     
Temecula, CA 92591


Phone: (951) 331-3131